Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Adams, Keith | Botany | Professor | (604) 822-2355 | keitha@mail.ubc.ca |
Aitken, Sally | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | (604) 822-6020 | sally.aitken@ubc.ca |
Altshuler, Doug | Zoology | Professor | (604) 827-5361 | doug.altshuler@ubc.ca |
Angert, Amy | Botany, Zoology | Professor | (604) 827-3892 | amy.angert@botany.ubc.ca |
Arcese, Peter | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | (604) 822-1886 | peter.arcese@ubc.ca |
Auger-Méthé, Marie | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, Statistics | Assistant Professor | (604) 822-1658 | auger-methe@stat.ubc.ca |
Avilés, Leticia | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-3795 | laviles@zoology.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Beatty, J. Thomas | Microbiology and Immunology | Professor | (604) 822-6896 | j.beatty@ubc.ca |
Benson-Amram, Sarah | Forest & Conservation Sciences, Zoology | Assistant Professor | sarahba@zoology.ubc.ca | |
Berbee, Mary | Botany | Professor | (604) 822-3780 | berbee@interchange.ubc.ca |
Booker, Thomas | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Assistant Professor | thomas.booker@ubc.ca | |
Bradfield, Gary | Botany | Professor Emeritus | (604) 822-4993 | garyb@mail.ubc.ca |
Brauner, Colin | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-3372 | brauner@zoology.ubc.ca |
Bruce, Heather | Zoology | Assistant Professor | heather.bruce@ubc.ca | |
Burton, Cole | Forest Resources Management | Associate Professor | (604) 822-1283 | cole.burton@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Cardinal-McTeague, Warren | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Assistant Professor | warren.cardinal-mcteague@ubc.ca | |
Carrillo, Juli | Centre for Sustainable Food Systems | Associate Professor | (604) 827-5039 | juli.carrillo@ubc.ca |
Chan, Kai | Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability | Professor | (604) 822-0400 | kaichan@ires.ubc.ca |
Cheung, William | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Professor | (604) 827-3756 | w.cheung@oceans.ubc.ca |
Christensen, Villy | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Professor | (604) 822-5751 | v.christensen@oceans.ubc.ca |
Clarkston, Bridgette | Botany | Assistant Professor | (604) 822-6495 | bridgette.clarkston@botany.ubc.ca |
Coops, Nicholas | Forest Resources Management | Professor | (604) 822-6452 | nicholas.coops@ubc.ca |
Cronk, Quentin | Botany | Professor | (604) 690-6275 | quentin.cronk@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Davies, Jonathan | Botany, Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | (604) 822-5486 | j.davies@ubc.ca |
Dempewolf, Hannes | Other | handem@biodiversity.ubc.ca | ||
Dempsey, Jessica | Geography | Professor | (778) 987-6480 | jessica.dempsey@geog.ubc.ca |
Doebeli, Michael | Mathematics, Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-3326 | doebeli@zoology.ubc.ca |
Donner, Simon | Geography | Professor | (604) 822-6959 | simon.donner@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Fast, Naomi | Botany | Associate Professor | (604) 822-1630 | naomi.fast@ubc.ca |
Fischer, Monika | Botany, Forest & Conservation Sciences | Assistant Professor | monika.fischer@botany.ubc.ca | |
Ford, Adam T. | Biology, BRAES Institute - UBC Okanagan | Associate Professor | (250) 807-9773 | adam.ford@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Gaynor, Kaitlyn | Botany, Zoology | Assistant Professor | gaynor@zoology.ubc.ca | |
Gehman, Alyssa | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, Other | Adjunct Faculty | alyssa.gehman@hakai.org | |
Gergel, Sarah | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | (604) 827-5163 | sarah.gergel@ubc.ca |
Germain, Rachel | Zoology | Assistant Professor | rgermain@zoology.ubc.ca | |
Graham, Sean | Botany | Professor | (604) 822-4816 | swgraham@interchange.ubc.ca |
Gullison, Ted | Other | ted@hg-llc.com |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Haney, Cara | Microbiology and Immunology | Associate Professor | (604) 827-5100 | cara.haney@msl.ubc.ca |
Harley, Chris | Zoology | Professor | (604) 827-3431 | harley@zoology.ubc.ca |
Hawkes, Michael | Botany | Professor Emeritus | (604) 822-5430 | mhawkes@mail.ubc.ca |
Henry, Greg | Geography | Professor | (604) 822-2985 | greg.henry@ubc.ca |
Hodges, Karen E. | Biology, BRAES Institute - UBC Okanagan | Professor | (250) 807-8763 | karen.hodges@ubc.ca |
Hunt, Brian | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Associate Professor | (778) 230-4776 | b.hunt@oceans.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Irwin, Darren | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-4357 | irwin@zoology.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Jankowski, Jill | Zoology | Associate Professor | (604) 827-3871 | jankowsk@biodiversity.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Keeling, Patrick | Botany | Professor | pkeeling@mail.ubc.ca | |
King, Kayla | Microbiology and Immunology, Zoology | Professor | kayla.king@ubc.ca | |
Krebs, Charles J. | Zoology | Professor Emeritus | krebs@zoology.ubc.ca | |
Kremen, Claire | Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability, Zoology | Professor | (604) 827-2365 | claire.kremen@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Leander, Brian | Botany, Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-2474 | bleander@mail.ubc.ca |
Leitch, Duncan | Zoology | Assistant Professor | leitch@zoology.ubc.ca | |
Lindstrom, Sandra | Botany | (604) 822-2340 | sandra.lindstrom@botany.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Maddison, Wayne | Botany, Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-1545 | wayne.maddison@ubc.ca |
Mank, Judith | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-1185 | mank@zoology.ubc.ca |
Mansfield, Shawn | Wood Science | Professor | (604) 822-0196 | shawn.mansfield@ubc.ca |
Marshall, Katie | Zoology | Assistant Professor | (604) 822-2168 | kmarshall@zoology.ubc.ca |
Martin, Kathy | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | (604) 822-9695 | kathy.martin@ubc.ca |
Martin, Tara | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | tara.martin@ubc.ca | |
Martone, Patrick | Botany | Professor | (604) 822-9338 | pmartone@mail.ubc.ca |
Matthews, Benjamin | Zoology | Assistant Professor | ben.matthews@zoology.ubc.ca | |
Michaletz, Sean | Botany | Assistant Professor | (604) 822-2141 | sean.michaletz@botany.ubc.ca |
Mitchell, Matthew | Applied Biology, Forest Resources Management | Assistant Professor | 604 822 5497 | matthew.mitchell@ubc.ca |
Mohn, Bill | Microbiology and Immunology | Professor | (604) 822-4285 | wmohn@mail.ubc.ca |
Moore, Alex | Botany, Forest & Conservation Sciences | Assistant Professor | alex.moore@ubc.ca | |
Myers, Judith | Zoology | Professor Emerita | (604) 822-3957 | myers@zoology.ubc.ca |
Myers-Smith, Isla | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | isla.myers-smith@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
O'Connor, Mary | Zoology | Director, Professor | (604) 827-5653 | oconnor@zoology.ubc.ca |
Otto, Sarah | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-2778 | otto@zoology.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Parfrey, Laura | Botany, Zoology | Associate Professor | (604) 827-2214 | lwparfrey@botany.ubc.ca |
Parrott, Lael | Biology, BRAES Institute - UBC Okanagan, Earth and Environmental Sciences | Professor | (250) 807-8122 | lael.parrott@ubc.ca |
Pauly, Daniel | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries, Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-1201 | d.pauly@oceans.ubc.ca |
Pither, Jason | Biology, BRAES Institute - UBC Okanagan | Associate Professor | (250) 807-9629 | jason.pither@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Redfield, Rosemary J. | Zoology | Professor Emerita | (604) 822-3744 | redfield@zoology.ubc.ca |
Reid, Andrea | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Assistant Professor | cif@oceans.ubc.ca | |
Richards, Jeffrey | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-2381 | jeffrey@zoology.ubc.ca |
Richardson, John | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor Emeritus | (604) 822-6586 | john.richardson@ubc.ca |
Rieseberg, Loren | Botany | Professor | (604) 827-4540 | lriesebe@mail.ubc.ca |
Ritland, Kermit | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | (604) 822-8101 | kermit.ritland@ubc.ca |
Russello, Michael | Biology, BRAES Institute - UBC Okanagan | Professor | (250) 807-8762 | michael.russello@ubc.ca |
Rutledge, Linda | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Adjunct Faculty | linda.rutledge@ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Sargent, Risa | Centre for Sustainable Food Systems | Associate Professor | risa.sargent@ubc.ca | |
Sayer, Jeff | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Professor | (604) 827-5687 | jeffrey.sayer@ubc.ca |
Schluter, Dolph | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-2387 | schluter@zoology.ubc.ca |
Schulte, Patricia | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-4276 | pschulte@zoology.ubc.ca |
Schwartz, Naomi | Geography | Assistant Professor | (604) 827-3064 | naomi.schwartz@ubc.ca |
Sinclair, Anthony R.E. | Zoology | Professor Emeritus | (604) 822-4239 | sinclair@zoology.ubc.ca |
Srivastava, Diane | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-1350 | srivast@zoology.ubc.ca |
Sumaila, Rashid | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Professor | (604) 822-0224 | r.sumaila@oceans.ubc.ca |
Suttle, Curtis | Botany, Earth, Ocean & Atmospheric Sciences, Microbiology and Immunology | Professor | (604) 822-8610 | csuttle@eos.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Taylor, Eric B. | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-9152 | etaylor@zoology.ubc.ca |
Taylor, I.E.P. | Botany | Professor Emeritus | (604) 822-0416 | iain.taylor@botany.ubc.ca |
Todesco, Marco | Michael Smith Labs, Botany | Assistant Professor | mtodesco@msl.ubc.ca | |
Trites, Andrew | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Professor | (604) 822-8182 | a.trites@oceans.ubc.ca |
Tseng, Michelle | Botany, Zoology | Assistant Professor | tsengm@mail.ubc.ca | |
Turkington, Roy | Botany | Professor Emeritus | royt@mail.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Vellend, Mark | Other | mark.vellend@usherbrooke.ca | ||
Vincent, Amanda | Institute for the Oceans and Fisheries | Professor | (604) 827-5137 | a.vincent@oceans.ubc.ca |
Name | Department | Position | Phone | |
Wei, Kevin | Zoology | Assistant Professor | ||
Whitlock, Michael | Zoology | Professor | (604) 822-2069 | whitlock@zoology.ubc.ca |
Whitton, Jeannette | Botany | Associate Professor | (604) 822-8863 | jeannette.whitton@botany.ubc.ca |
Williams, Jennifer | Geography | Associate Professor | (604) 827-1592 | jennifer.williams@geog.ubc.ca |
Wittman, Hannah | Centre for Sustainable Food Systems, Institute for Resources, Environment, and Sustainability | Professor | (604) 822-1644 | hannah.wittman@ubc.ca |
Wolkovich, Elizabeth M. | Forest & Conservation Sciences | Associate Professor | e.wolkovich@ubc.ca |