The Beaty Biodiversity Museum and Biodiversity Research Centre landscape (including our greenroof) is a space that is rooted in nurturing biodiversity. The space was re-designed in 2013 to reflect more British Columbia native plant species to increase biodiversity in this area of UBC campus. We encourage you to use, enjoy and engage with this diverse space. Find out more below!
The original landscape was designed by PFS Studio with Patkau Architects in 2009. The honey locust trees (Gleditsia triacanthos) and feather reed grass (Calamagrostis × acutiflora) on the north bed were planted at this time. Karen Keist Landscape Architects designed the new plantings in the meadow and south and east beds in 2013. You may see some metal signs from Campus Botanica, a project that reveals knowledge in the landscape, made by Saskia Wolsak in 2015.
The area is kept in check by a collaboration between UBC Building Operations and a team of BBM/BRC volunteers. Please contact us with any questions or suggestions at programs@beatymuseum.ubc.ca.