You must have JavaScript enabled to use this form. Please enter the date that you witnessed the strike. * What time of day the strike occur? leave blank if unknown What part of the building did the bird strike? Courtyard East Windows (BRC side) Courtyard South Windows (BRC side) Courtyard West Windows (Museum side) Courtyard North Windows (AERL side) East Windows (BRC labs/loading dock side) South Offices of Biodiversity Research Centre West Museum side (along Main Mall) South Museum side (Niche Cafe) Where did the bird strike occur? Example: Museum west atrium window 5 from south * Please enter the species (if known) or description. * How many birds? * What is the sex of the bird? Female Male Unknown What is the state of bird (dead, stunned, etc.)? * Do you have anything else to report? What is your name? * What is your email address? *