Current and Former BRITE Postdocs
Name |
Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
Website |
Barker, Mike |
2009-10, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, University of Arizona |
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Booker, Tom |
2020-2023, Department of Forest & Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Collins, Courtney |
2021-2023, BC Ministry of Forests and Simon Fraser University. |
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Cornwell, Will |
2007-09, School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences, University of New South Wales |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Davidson, Lindsay |
2018-2021 |
Débarre, Florence |
2011-13, CNRS senior researcher (directrice de recherche) at the Institute of ecology and environmental sciences, France |
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Name |
Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Freeman, Benjamin |
2017-2020, Georgia Tech University |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Germain, Rachel |
2016-18, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia |
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Grainger, Tess |
2021-2023, Department of Integrative Biology, University of Guelph |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Hargreaves, Anna |
2015-17, Department of Biology, McGill University |
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Harmon, Luke |
2005-07, Department of Biological Sciences, University of Idaho |
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Haydon, Daniel |
1997-99, School of Biodiversity, One Health & Veterinary Medicine, University of Glasgow |
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Hellmann, Jessica |
2001-03, Institute on the Environment, Director, University of Minnesota |
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Hernandez, Fernando |
2022-2024 |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Kraft, Nathan |
2009-11, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, UCLA |
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Kreiner, Julia |
2021-2024, University of Chicago |
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Name |
Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
Website |
Louca, Stilianos |
2017-2019, Department of Biology, University of Oregon |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
Website |
Manne, Lisa |
1999-01, College of Staten Island, CUNY |
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Moeller, Holly |
2017, Ecology, Evolution & Marine Biology, University of California, Santa Barbara |
Website |
Muir, Chris D. |
2013-15, School of Life Sciences, University of Hawaii at Manoa |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Ruesink, Jennifer |
1997-99, Department of Biology, University of Washington |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Santos, Juan |
2012-14, Department of Biological Sciences, St. John's University |
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Srivastava, Diane |
1997-99, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia |
Website |
Sunday, Jennifer |
2013-17, Department of Biology, McGill University |
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Name |
Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Veen, Thor |
2010-13, Physical Sciences, Quest University |
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Postdoc Date, Current Institution |
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Wolkovich, Elizabeth |
2012-13, Forest & Conservation Sciences, University of British Columbia |
Website |
Wrensford, Kwasi |
2023-26, Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia |
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