Tess Grainger PhD

Biodiversity Postdoctoral Fellow

Botany, Zoology

Faculty of Science

Professional Bio and Research Highlights: 

I study the ecological and evolutionary processes that shape the natural world, and the effects that global change is having on these processes. I am currently a Banting and Biodiversity Postdoc in the Department of Zoology, where I am working with Sally Otto, Mary O’Connor and Rachel Germain to conduct experiments that test the effect of temperature on species’ ability to adapt to degraded environments. Prior to that I was a postdoctoral fellow at Princeton, where I used field experiments with fruit flies and data synthesis to understand species’ rapid evolutionary responses to competition and climate. I completed my PhD with Ben Gilbert at the University of Toronto, where I used the insects that specialize on milkweed plants to look at the effects of climate change on species that live in patchy habitats. I will be joining the Department of Integrative Biology at the University of Guelph and starting my own lab in September 2023.


The research funding from the Biodiversity postdoc helped me to be able to pay people to continue my two year long experiment over the course of my maternity leave, which has been extremely helpful. 

Link to CV
Lab Affiliation
Biodiversity Research Centre

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