View some of the previous events hosted in the last year by the BRC.
Past Events
February 18, 2022
Virtual/Remote WORKSHOP "Facting: The Act of Bringing Passion to Science Communication"
Time: Feb 18, 2022 01:30 PM Vancouver Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 664 5387 5174 Passcode: 945550 This workshop on Facting: the act of bringing passion to science communication will o er a scalable …
February 16, 2022
BRS Andrew Gonzalez: Chitty Lecture "Biodiversity science for the Anthropocene"
host: Graduate students (contact Pierre Rogy) Chitty Lecture Title: Biodiversity science for the Anthropocene Abstract: I will present three interlinked facets of biodiversity science I have worked on to deepen my understanding of the causes and consequences of biodiversity…
February 9, 2022
BRS Tom Booker: What we can learn about natural selection from patterns of diversity across the genomes of wild mice
host: Whitlock lab Title: What we can learn about natural selection from patterns of diversity across the genomes of wild mice Abstract: Natural selection leaves distinct footprints in the patterns of genetic variation across the genome. In this talk I will give an overview of how…
February 2, 2022
BRS Nancy Chen: Tracking short-term evolution in a pedigreed wild population
host: Otto Lab Title: Tracking short-term evolution in a pedigreed wild population Abstract: There are now many beautiful examples of phenotypic evolution on ecological timescales. Nevertheless, technological challenges and limited availability of temporal genomic data have left a…
January 26, 2022
BRS Shawn Leroux: Animals and the zoogeochemistry of elemental cycling in local and meta-ecosystems
host: Srivastava Lab Title: Animals and the zoogeochemistry of elemental cycling in local and meta-ecosystems Abstract: It is generally assumed that it is sufficient to characterize elemental cycling in terms of uptake and exchange between ecosystem plant and soil pools and the…
January 19, 2022
BRS Michael Landis: Phylogenetic models of evolving ecological interactions
host: Pennell Lab Title: Phylogenetic models of evolving ecological interactions Abstract: Phylogenetic models formalize how macroevolutionary patterns are generated over deep time scales. Modeling how ecological traits evolve within and among phylogenetic lineages, however, has…
January 12, 2022
BRS Courtney Collins: Disentangling direct and indirect effects of global change above and below-ground in tundra ecosystems
host: Henry Lab Title: Disentangling direct and indirect effects of global change above and below-ground in tundra ecosystems Abstract: Global change threatens the stability of terrestrial ecosystems by reducing biodiversity, disrupting biogeochemical cycles and altering species…
December 8, 2021
BRS Iulia Darolti: Remarkable diversity of sex chromosome differentiation and dosage compensation in poeciliids
host: Mank Lab Title: Remarkable diversity of sex chromosome differentiation and dosage compensation in poeciliids Abstract: Sex chromosomes have repeatedly evolved across the tree of life. An important question in sex chromosome research is why do some sex chromosomes undergo extensive…
December 1, 2021
BRS Samraat Pawar: Thermal Constraints on Microbial Community Structure and Functioning
host: O'Connor Lab Title: Thermal Constraints on Microbial Community Structure and Functioning Abstract: Microbial communities are crucial for carbon cycling in both aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems. Yet, we lack a general, mechanistic understanding of how complex microbial…
November 24, 2021
BRS Elena Bennett: Monitoring, modelling, and managing multiple ecosystem services in Canada’s working landscapes
host: UBC-O Title: Monitoring, modelling, and managing multiple ecosystem services in Canada’s working landscapes Abstract: The current scale, rate, and intensity of anthropogenic change is unprecedented, and has evoked broad discussion about how these changes will affect the…