View some of the previous events hosted in the last year by the BRC.
Past Events
December 8, 2017
For more information, please view the schedule posted here:
December 8, 2017
Biodiversity Discussion Group (BDG), every Friday at 1pm in Biodiversity 224 (Ralph Yorque room) starting Sept. 15. Any interested undergraduates, graduates, postdocs, and faculty are welcome to suggest papers and join the discussion. Our first paper will be on ecological drift – access the…
December 8, 2017
Evolution Discussion Group Fridays at 12:00pm, Biodiversity 224 for schedule visit:
December 6, 2017
BRS President’s Excellence Chair in Biodiversity: Judith Mank "Genomic causes and consequences of sexual conflict
The seminar will be hosted by the President’s Excellence Chair in Biodiversity Committee. Cookies will be served at 11:30am in the Biodiversity Research Centre atrium. Seminar will begin at 12:00pm in the Beaty Biodiversity Museum auditorium.
December 4, 2017
BRS President’s Excellence Chair in Biodiversity: Claire Kremen "Earth's Other Third: Restoring Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes"
The seminar will be hosted by the President’s Excellence Chair in Biodiversity Committee. Cookies will be served at 11:30am in the Biodiversity Research Centre atrium. Seminar will begin at 12:00pm in the Beaty Biodiversity Museum auditorium.
December 1, 2017
For more information, please view the schedule posted here:
December 1, 2017
Biodiversity Discussion Group (BDG), every Friday at 1pm in Biodiversity 224 (Ralph Yorque room) starting Sept. 15. Any interested undergraduates, graduates, postdocs, and faculty are welcome to suggest papers and join the discussion. Our first paper will be on ecological drift – access the…
December 1, 2017
Evolution Discussion Group Fridays at 12:00pm, Biodiversity 224 for schedule visit:
November 29, 2017
BRS: Ben Gilbert "Chitty Lecture - Species diversity: Reconciling the effects of ecological drift and species differences"
The seminar will be hosted by grad students. Cookies (provided by Amelia H. and Cassandra K.) will be served at 11:30am in the Biodiversity Research Centre atrium. Seminar will begin at 12:00pm in the Beaty Biodiversity Museum auditorium.
November 27, 2017
BRS President’s Excellence Chair in Biodiversity: Rees Kassen "From so simple a beginning: Experimental evolution of biodiversity in microbial populations"
The seminar will be hosted by the President’s Excellence Chair in Biodiversity Committee. Cookies will be served at 11:30am in the Biodiversity Research Centre atrium. Seminar will begin at 12:00pm in the Beaty Biodiversity Museum auditorium.