Biodiversity Research Seminar Series (BRS)

BRS Julien Ayroles: Leveraging Evolutionary Mismatches to Study G-by-E Interactions

October 18, 2023, 12:00 pm to 1:00 pm

2212 Main Mall

There is no recording available. 

host: Kevin Wei

Title: Leveraging Evolutionary Mismatches to Study G-by-E Interactions

About Dr. Ayroles:

Dr. Ayroles is an assistant professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology at Princeton. His research seeks to understand the architecture of genetic and phenotypic variation, an expansive topic that has led his lab down many excursions into the worlds of adaptation, speciation, GxE interactions, epistasis, and human ancestry/demography. Though trained as a Drosophila population and quantitative geneticist, Dr. Ayroles has extended his scope to many study systems both in the lab and in the field. In recent years, his lab has been working closely with the Turkana people in Kenya, a tribe with nomadic, pastoral lifestyle now faced with urbanization, to understand the genetic and disease consequences of novel environmental pressures on genomes adapted to historical pressures.

  • Biodiversity Research Seminar Series (BRS)

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